Friday 31 March 2017

How to Find Lost Smart Phone (Location,Ring and Reset) through Google Trick

In this tutorial we find Smart Phone's Location,we can call from this trick on that cell phone and we can reset cell phone through this trick and also we can lock or set password of that cell phone.

Note :This trick is only for Smart phone and Internet is necessary for both cell phones and laptop or PC.

Step #1 First you should sing in from your google account (gmail) and then open google browser and write in google search bar"WHERE IS MY PHONE" and click on search. see this Screen shot.

Step #2 Now click on Allow and Click on map then you will see your cell phone exact location with red pointer and your cell phone model plus company name on google map see this below screen shot.

Step #3 Now click on  Ring if want to Call on your cell phone then this window will appear then click on Ring see in this screen shot.

Step #4 Then ring request will be send on your cell phone see below pic.

Step #5 Now if you want to Lock or set password on your cell phone then Click on Lock and this message window will appear fill this form and then click on lock and your lock will be set on your phone.

Step #6 Now if you want reset your cell phone Click on Erase and then a window will appear and read the message on window care fully and then click on Erase in this your all data will be delete on your cell phone memory.

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